Merci, Richard, but I’m a music critic so I was thinking of Debussy. (I like Mallarme, too). And perhaps the things I have learned would serve well at Roissy…
Next time you come to France Christopher, have a tour at Centre Pompidou exhibition “Danser sa vie” : nice opportunity to discover many pictures and videos about the Nijinski adaptation of Debussy and a chance to use the words you learned here with the person watching next to you…
Vous aurez un avantage, il y a peu de chance que je sois une fille en me prénomant Richard, ce qui augmente vos chances de me reconnaître sans coup férir de 100%.
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L’apres midi d’un faunesse…
Ou d’une vraie Naïade…
You blog is the most delightful way to learn French, including what is not in the dictionaries.
Well, it’s not words you can easily use when travelling in France :-)
I’m not so sure you can’t use these words while travelling in France… We forgive a lot to foreigners, specially when they know Mallarmé.
Merci, Richard, but I’m a music critic so I was thinking of Debussy. (I like Mallarme, too). And perhaps the things I have learned would serve well at Roissy…
You can always try…
Next time you come to France Christopher, have a tour at Centre Pompidou exhibition “Danser sa vie” : nice opportunity to discover many pictures and videos about the Nijinski adaptation of Debussy and a chance to use the words you learned here with the person watching next to you…
Tiens, une bonne idée de visite d’expo…
Déjà vue… On se croisera une prochaine fois !
Oui, bon, ça va être difficile de se reconnaître :-)
Vous aurez un avantage, il y a peu de chance que je sois une fille en me prénomant Richard, ce qui augmente vos chances de me reconnaître sans coup férir de 100%.
Ah oui, c’est vrai, je peux restreindre mes recherches…